whipitperfect wrote in goshdarnspam Jul 08, 2009 16:31
art is awesome everybody, why?, absolutely glorious, stop abusing the spam comm, tags killed my parents, :), bluemoon what are you even, bandwagon fail, stupid tags, this is my new favorite tag, rides unicorns and explodes, *drags everyone into a circle*, pointless crap is awesome crap, more tags abuse!, pointless crap, what's the tag limit?, have wacom tablet will travel, ahsoifasihf, spam spam spam spam, yeaaahhhhhhh, stop with your fail, hi, this is sparta, tag tag taaaag, this is an abomination, tagssssss, sdlkfjaoiwejaowei, what is this even, we bring the epic, this is the worst, shoopdawhoop for fun and profit, why am i not working on finals, free things are free, see what i did there?, stop me before i make more tags, join the bandwagon, this is madness, abusing tags forever, how many tags is this again?, yippiekayetcetera, doom is upon us, do we really need more tags, shoopdawhoop, i just wanted to abuse the tags, no really i should be working, i need more tags, sheep are planning our downfall, spam spam spammity spam, this tag limit goes to 11, you're my only hope, yeah i'm just being a jerk now